Aresty RURJ

The Aresty Rutgers Undergraduate Research Journal (RURJ), in affiliation with the Aresty Research Center for Undergraduates, is an undergraduate-run, interdisciplinary journal designed to showcase the cutting-edge undergraduate research conducted at Rutgers University. Our mission is to provide undergraduate researchers the opportunity to publish their own work and experience the peer review process. In our review process, researchers implement multiple rounds of revisions based on peer reviews from undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty. An extension of our mission is to offer a unique educational program for students to learn about and gain hands-on experience with peer review. 

We are pleased to announce the release of the fifth issue of the Aresty Rutgers Undergraduate Research Journal (RURJ). Read about the diverse research being done by undergraduate students across Rutgers, including classifying different eras of Fall Out Boy using logistical regression, determining the impact of DNA analysis on Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation, designing antimicrobial peptides for activity against P. aeruginosa infections, and more! 

Click Here To View The Journal! 

For questions, please email

Visit the Aresty website or this Google Form [https://forms.glef4FJJ4Hfact2yxyT7] for more information about submitting your own research to RURJ or other ways to get involved with the journal!

The Aresty RURJ is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).


2023-2024 Editorial Team


Omay Edekar

Reviewer Program Director

Sung Jae Lee

Managing Editor

Sophie Brown

Chief Copy Editor

Sriya Sadangi

Copy Editors

Isha Patel
Sophia Reich
Sophie Brown
Omay Edekar

Senior Undergraduate Peer Reviewers

Sophie Brown
Omay Edekar
Maryam Khalid
Sungjae Lee
Shivangi Mehra
Jennifer Schug

Undergraduate Peer Reviewers

Aaheli Konar
Adrian Jackson
Amal Kannan
Anthony James Tabet
Ayah Ahmed
Ayah Elwan
Caroline Ismail
Catherine Urinyi
Chengyu Liang
Cielo Tumbokon
Dante Anthony Migliaccio
Erin Go
Isha D. Patel
Jason Marum
Jocelyn Chou
Julianne Chan
Komal Patel
Maya Tailor
Medha Satti
Mohammad Hasnat Cheema
Nidhi Gourabathuni
Nidhish Sharma
Precious-Janae Romain
Priya Patel
Rafaela Martelo
Shine Wang

Graduate Student Reviewers

Aravind Sivaramakrishnan
Aman Upadhyay
Julie Aromi
Candace Longoria
Jennifer Vilchez
Jonathan Phan
Christabel Cruz
Courtney McDermott

Faculty Reviewers

Kemal Gursoy
Zhiping Pang
Beth Leech
Jennifer Buckman
William Field
Talia Robbins
Ioannis Androulakis
Jefferson Decker
Giuseppe Rotolo


Aresty Research Center

Tamiah N. Brevard-Rodriguez, Director of the Aresty Research Center for Undergraduates

Chandni A. Pathak, Senior Program Coordinator, Aresty Research Center for Undergraduates

Dr. Eric Gawiser, Faculty Director of the Aresty Research Center for Undergraduates

Faculty Editorial Advisors

Lily Todorinova, Undergraduate Experience Librarian