Apply For A Research Grant: Applications Due October 15th

Research Funding Flyer

The Undergraduate Research Grants are intended to defray research costs for students conducting independent research projects under the guidance of a professor. Any advanced undergraduate researcher--typically juniors or seniors--at Rutgers-New Brunswick pursuing independent research projects with faculty guidance is eligible to apply. Funding is intended for consumable supplies: that is, supplies specific to the research project. Funding cannot be used for meals, living expenses, tuition, or equipment that will be used beyond the duration of the research project. 

Proposals must include a project overview, a personal statement, proposed budget, and a letter of endorsement from the professor guiding the research. Please note that many proposals receive partial funding, and we encourage students to seek funding from multiple sources. Research Grant recipients are required to share their research with the university community at the annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, and to participate in Aresty's research presentation workshops in advance of the Symposium.

The funds will be allocated through a competitive application process at the beginning of the fall semester. All proposals will be reviewed by a faculty review panel in the field of the proposed research. Reviewers rate each proposal and recommend funding amounts, which will range of $200-$1,000** for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. 

Students currently enrolled in the Aresty Research Assistant Program are ineligible to apply.  

** Each funding unit has their own allotted budget. Please be sure to include your Honors College, SAS Honors, Douglass Residential College, or Aresty Affiliation on your application. SAS Senior Thesis must identity as such for SAS Scholarship Office consideration.

Click here for guidelines and application link to our secure portal. 

Applications are due at 11:59 PM on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 11:59PM.

Flyer for Undergradate Research Grant