
At the Aresty Research Center, we offer structured programs that provide Rutgers-New Brunswick students opportunities to engage with scholarly research at any stage in their undergraduate careers. Our programs facilitate the development of research skills in the formal research setting and through structured peer, staff, and faculty mentorship.


Research Assistant (RA) Program: For students who are new to research, the Research Assistant Program pairs students with faculty mentors to conduct an academic year-long project. Students are required to work five hours per week in the research setting. The Aresty RA program helps undergraduates learn about the process of research early in their academic careers and can lead to continued research in the same lab or future research opportunities. Opportunities are available across all majors. Freshmen, sophomores and juniors with no previous research experience are eligible to apply.

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Summer Science Program: For rising sophomores who are new to research, the Summer Science Program pairs students with faculty mentors to conduct a research project over the summer. Students are required to work full-time in the lab setting. The program helps undergraduates learn about the process of research early in their academic careers and can lead to continued research in the same lab or future research opportunities. Students are provided with a $3,000 stipend and optional on-campus housing.


Undergraduate Research Funding: We invite students to submit proposals to help defray the cost of independent research projects and senior theses or travel to professional conferences. Students who are awarded research funding through the Aresty Research Center are required to present their research at our Symposium in the spring.


The Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium: For any undergraduate student doing research at Rutgers, the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium is a celebration of scholarly activity and a valuable opportunity for students to share their work.

If you have questions about which program is right for you, or if you’d just like to talk more about research, contact us. We’re here to help.